Perth Spring Family Convention - 13-15 October 2023
Strength in Weakness
Profile: Dr Mike Raiter

Mike is the Director of the Centre for Biblical Preaching, an organisation that seeks to train and equip churches around the globe in expository preaching. He is also the author of a number of books, including Stirrings of the Soul: Evangelicals and the New Spirituality which won the 2004 SPCK Australian Christian Book of the Year Award.
He is a gifted, internationally recognised speaker of the Christian faith. Born in Liverpool, England and raised in New South Wales, Australia, Mike began his career as a high school teacher in Sydney and Pakistan. He studied at Moore Theological College in Sydney, becoming the head of the Department of Missions in 1997.
On concluding his study at Moore, he returned to Pakistan to teach at the Zarephath Bible Institute. Subsequently, he worked with Church Missionary Society Australia and Interserve in Pakistan.
From 2006–2011, Mike served as the principal of the Melbourne School of Theology.
Meet our guest speaker
Session 1: The God of All Comfort
Friday 7pm 13-Oct-23
Session 2: Light and Momentary Afflictions
Saturday 10am 14-Oct-23
Session 3: Home and Away
Saturday 3pm 14-Oct-23
Session 4: Reconciled
Saturday 7pm 14-Oct-23
Session 5: Great Expectations
Sunday 10am 15-Oct-23
Session 6: The Grace of Gifts
Sunday 3pm 15-Oct-23
Session 7: All Sufficient Grace
Sunday 7pm 15-Oct-23